NUS Orbital: Independent Software Development Project

Eventory is a platform for organisers and students where all events can be viewed, tracked and registered easily.

The platform has two different interfaces for students and organizers. A mobile application for the students to find and participate in events and a website for organizers to create and manage their events. Eventory comprises of two main technology frameworks. The front-end comprises of Android java for mobile and Angular for web. The back-end technology used is Firebase.

Table Soccer - Man vs. Machine
Singapore Poly Engineering Show 2014: Final Year Project

An automated soccer table that is able to compete against a human player. The machine consists mainly of a camera, a few stepper motors, a few servo motors and two Arduino microcontroller boards. The camera allows the position of the ball to be determined, while the steppers and servos allow for sliding and kicking actions, respectively.

The machine involves the use of the Arduino microprocessor for automation which is programmed in C++. The camera used is a CMUcam4 which is a fully programmable embedded computer vision sensor which is used to detect the ball movement and relay the information to the arduino via I²C.


My miscellaneous projects that i do during my free time. Mostly spent on mobile and web app development. Time spent on the projects are mostly spent on self-studying new web technology stacks and tools.

My Web Portfolio

This website itself! Built with Svelte and ReactJS using Astro.

Jumping Sheep

A game clone based off of Flappy bird, using Android for java and LibGDX framework.


A game built using Ionic framework with pixiJS rendering library.
